Kat Cano

New 485th District Court Opportunity

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Contact: Dr. Allison Campolo, Chair [email protected] 817-355-8683 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 11, 2022 Opportunity for Moderation Tarrant Democrats seek candidate for newly created 485th District Court As noted in the Fort Worth Star Telegram, the Texas State Legislature recently created the new 485th Judicial District Court. The Tarrant County Democratic Party has now been notified by the Secretary of State that Tarrant Democrats have the opportunity to nominate a candidate… Read More »New 485th District Court Opportunity

SCOTUS Roe Decision

Contact: Rachel Sollid, Communications Director [email protected] 817-355-8683 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 15, 2022 Overturning Roe is ramping up extremism Governor Abbott and extremist Republicans are not going to stop at Roe. Tarrant County, TX- Today, the decision to take away a constitutional right from people across the country has been made real. This Supreme Court decision leaves Texans at the mercy of an increasingly authoritarian extremist political party. Texas will… Read More »SCOTUS Roe Decision

District Clerk Candidate Ruby Woolridge wins Special Election

Congratulations to special election winner Ruby Faye Woolridge, for District Clerk. This special meeting of the CEC took place June 21st at 630pm via Zoom. Our prior nominee was unfortunately unable to continue on, as he is moving out of county and is unsure when he will return which deems any candidate ineligible to run for the position. TCDP works closely with the state Democratic Party, the Secretary of State,… Read More »District Clerk Candidate Ruby Woolridge wins Special Election

District Clerk Special Election

The Tarrant County Democratic Party will be holding a special election to select a Democratic nominee for the position of District Clerk for the November 2022 general election. This special meeting of the CEC will take place on June 21st at 630pm on Zoom. This special election is being held because our current nominee is unfortunately unable to continue on, as he is moving out of county and is unsure… Read More »District Clerk Special Election

TCDP Office Harassed Repeatedly

Republican-recruited Election Worker demands extra payment for assisting Democratic voters FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 3, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 3, 2022 Tarrant County, TX– The Tarrant County Democratic Party office has received ongoing harassment for multiple days from an election worker recruited by Republican Party members. The election worker was repeatedly belligerent towards staff and left multiple messages demanding direct extra payment from TCDP for assisting Democratic Voters, in… Read More »TCDP Office Harassed Repeatedly

Election Worker Vacancies impacting Polling Locations

The Democratic Party suffered a higher-than-normal number of last-minute Election Judge drop offs, most citing flu and family emergencies. Going into this election we had 362 Election Judges on our rosters. As we headed into the weekend before Election Day we noticed significant drop offs and acted quickly to sign up new judges and train them over the weekend. However, we have continued to have last-minute cancellations up until the… Read More »Election Worker Vacancies impacting Polling Locations

Dramatic uptick in Rejection Rates show SB 1 voter suppression is working

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Tarrant County– Republican election sabotage is working as designed and it is hurting voters, even Republican voters. Texas Democrats fled the state in an attempt to stop these detrimental alterations to our election process. Democrats warned of these very problems and we are watching those dire warnings play out. Voters in many of the counties targeted by Governor Abbott in the 2020 election audit are in the same counties now… Read More »Dramatic uptick in Rejection Rates show SB 1 voter suppression is working

Tarrant County Democrats Work to Warn Voters of Potential Ballot Application Problems from the “Election Integrity” Sneak Attack

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Tarrant County, Texas— Voter subversion is ongoing so expect more headlines from the Lonestar state. Despite Republicans maintaining control of the County, this year brought severe and unnecessary changes to our election laws, which we can only assume is a result of the record almost 67% participation our state celebrated in 2020. According to the former Abbott-appointed Secretary of State it was safe and secure, yet “election integrity” was used… Read More »Tarrant County Democrats Work to Warn Voters of Potential Ballot Application Problems from the “Election Integrity” Sneak Attack

Tarrant County Democrats’ Concern Remains for Abortion Rights in Texas

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Tarrant County, Texas — Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair Dr. Allison Campolo, issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision to allow abortion providers limited ability to sue regarding SB 8: “Half of Texans remain without the right to safe and legal abortion as the Supreme Court refused to strike down SB 8. The Court is allowing abortion providers the limited ability to sue. Today’s decision is but a… Read More »Tarrant County Democrats’ Concern Remains for Abortion Rights in Texas


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                        JANUARY 6, 2018 CONTACT:                                         … Read More »TARRANT COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY DENOUNCES THREAT BY TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO DEPORT VIETNAM WAR REFUGEE




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