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Precinct Chair Hub

Announcements and resources for Precinct Chairs

Quick Info

Check our TCDP calendar for CEC meeting dates.

Email [email protected] to request a registration link

CEC (County Executive Committee) Meetings are the county-wide meetings held where Precinct Chairs make their voices heard by voting on Democratic Party business and exchanging information. Precinct Chairs are expected to attend. 

Texas Democratic Party (TDP) has many online training videos to guide you!

National level Democrats offer training, too, at

Look under “Other Resources” for more info. 

  • Our Party is funded only by LOCAL DONATIONS.  If you can afford a monthly donation we encourage you to become a sustaining member. Having a stable budget allows us to do better community outreach and organizing. 
  • We need MORE ELECTION WORKERS! Elections don’t only happen in presidential years, they occur EVERY year, multiple times! So be sure to mark your calendar to vote but consider helping others by serving as an election judge.
  • Consistent voting leads consistently to change! That means every Democrat needs to VOTE (EARLY is even better!) in the Primary and General elections.
  • PCs and HDCs are expected to maintain NEUTRALITY during the party Primary.
  • PCs and HDCs are expected to SUPPORT EVERY DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE on the ballot in their precinct in the General Election.
  • PCs should be working on 2 things: BUILDING A TEAM AND talking to fellow Texas to identify DEMOCRATIC VOTERS.

CEC Meetings

Election Dates


Next Election: November 8th, 2022

Early Voting: October 24th through November 4th

Must be registered to vote by October 11th

ABBM – Application for Ballot by Mail.
Absentee Voting – the same thing as Voting by Mail (VBM). There is no distinction in Texas’ Election Code. 
Act Blue – Payment platform for Democratic and progressive campaigns and organizations. Like PayPal for liberal PACs.
Action ID – Volunteer log-in for VPBs and MiniVAN. Uses 2-step authentication. 
Canvass(ing) – AKA “Blockwalking” or “Door-knocking”, face-to-face or one-on-one interactions with voters, to identify supporters and volunteers.
CEC – County Executive Committee, governing body of TCDP. Meets 4-12 times a year (varies on needs). 
DCCC – AKA “D Trip,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the organizing arm and PAC of DNC that helps (re)elect Ds to US House of Representatives.
DSCC – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the organizing arm and PAC of DNC that helps (re)elect Ds to US Senate.
DNC – Democratic National Committee, national governing body of the party. Has a convention every Presidential year. 
DVR – Deputy (or Deputized) Voter Registration, authorized by the State of Texas to personally register voters on county by county basis.
GOTV – Get out the Vote, period of ~2 months before an election when the crunch to gain votes occurs.
Lit (drops) – Literate (distribution), volunteers leaving door hangers or info cards on home doors, reminding voters of an election.
MiniVAN – smart phone app you need an Action ID to use, gives lists of voters for canvassing/block walking or lit drops.
NDTC – National Democrat Training Committee, free training resources for candidates, campaign staff, and volunteers with online modules and zoom seminars hosted by organizing experts.
TCDP – Tarrant County Democratic Party, your local party headquarters and organization. Convention every even- numbered years. 
TDP – Texas Democratic Party, statewide organization of Ds. Convention every even-numbered years.
VAN – Voter Access Network, proprietary Democratic voter database. 
VBM – Vote (or Voting) by Mail, aka “Absentee Voting”.
VPB – Virtual Phone Bank, using a website, and your Action ID, to make calls to voters from VAN, using a set script.

Join an HDC or other support volunteer for help on:

Tuesdays from 7-8pm or

Fridays from 1-2pm

by going to and clicking “Launch Meeting.” 

Check out our new Webstore and grab a new shirt, car magnet, yard sign and more!

Phase Two: August

  • Volunteer Recruitment
  • IDing Democrats (T2s)


Phase Three: September

  • Volunteer Recruitment
  • Engage with low turnout Dems (T1s)
  • Registration of people who just moved here


Phase Four: October

  • Vote by Mail Chase
  • GOTV!


View the One-Pager Provided by the TDP:

2020 Tarrant County Coordinated Campaign 


Quick Links

Mid-Term Appointment

Is there a Precinct Chair vacancy? Apply using this form in between primary elections to fill an open chair position.

List of PCs

Here is the most up-to-date list of Precinct Chairs in Tarrant County along with contact info.

HD Coordinators

Reach out to your House District Coordinator! Contact info for each HDC is here.

Precinct Ballot Flyer

Use this generator to create your own 8.5x11 flyer to hand out in your precinct!

Who is running?

Here's where you can see candidates who have filed.


Welcome Precinct Chairs of Tarrant County!

As a Precinct Chair (PC), you fulfill one of the most important roles of the Democratic Party. Thank you for volunteering in this role and being at the front lines of the Blue Wave!

Elections are won and lost at the precinct level. Informing your precinct about candidates and gathering neighbors for fellowship is at the heart of who we are as Democrats.

What are the Roles and Responsibilities of the Precinct Chair?

  • Attend training to learn VAN
  • Use VAN to Identify Dems in your precinct
  • Make contact with voters, record their answers and contact information
  • Attend CEC Meetings and vote on party business

Your Precincts & House District Maps

Your Precinct, or your neighborhood, is where your role begins. Our county encompasses multiple House Districts (HDs) and we divide PCs into those HDs for further collaborative organizing.

  • A full precinct map can be found at this link.
  • Or individual maps can be pulled from here. Click on the option that is the first digit of your precinct number (ex. Commissioner Precinct 1 for precinct 1023).
  • House District maps can be found here.


Digital Tools

VAN (Voter Access Network) 

VAN gives you access to voters so that you may create lists to identify and reach out to your neighbors. 

Download the VANual!

MiniVAN – Mobile Digital Canvassing

MiniVAN is designed to make your canvassing walks, (door to door), as efficient, clear, and easy as possible.

Download the MiniVANual!

        Precinct Chair Flyer Generator 2022

  • Digital maps display the location of homes in your canvass.
  • GPS inherit in your smartphone or tablet,  allows you to see where you are walking at all times. This allows you greater visibility in apartment complexes, and tough to navigate neighborhoods.
  • Scripts are easier to read.
  • Real time upload into VAN for Survey Question Answers, Voter Editing, and Completed Canvassing.

VAN Training

Periodically, VAN training will be offered weekday evenings at TCDP headquarters. This is more focused training beyond what you learn at the PC training.


Q: What do I do if there’s a “No Soliciting” sign? 
A: It’s up to you whether you’d like to knock or not. You are not selling something, and political canvassing is a protected speech by the first amendment. Read More Here

Submit your common questions you’d like to have shortcuts to by emailing [email protected]

Other Resources


Distributed Canvassing Links




QR codes

Sometimes when we’re out knocking on doors, we get questions or try to direct people to a certain website. You can navigate to this page and have them scan these QR codes with their phone to perform the following tasks! 

Voter Registration

Volunteer Sign-Up




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