Kat Cano

Dr. Allison Campolo Congratulates Crystal Gayden on Becoming New Chair of the Tarrant County Democratic Party

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  July 8, 2023 Contact: Crystal Gayden, [email protected] Allison Campolo, [email protected] Tarrant County, Texas – On July 8, 2023 Immediate Past Party Chair Dr. Allison Campolo released the following statement: “Congratulations to Crystal Gayden on becoming our next Chair of the Tarrant County Democratic Party. Having won the election with 86% of the vote, it is clear she will be bringing Party unity to her time as Chair.… Read More »Dr. Allison Campolo Congratulates Crystal Gayden on Becoming New Chair of the Tarrant County Democratic Party

Dr. Allison Campolo Resigns as Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 11, 2023Contact: Dr. Allison Campolo, [email protected]  Tarrant County, Texas – Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair Dr. Allison Campolo released the following statement: “Today, I am announcing that I will be resigning as Chair of the Tarrant County Democratic Party. My resignation will be submitted to the Tarrant County Democratic Party County Executive Committee during a Special Meeting which will occur within the next 30 days. The… Read More »Dr. Allison Campolo Resigns as Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair 

Dr. Allison Campolo Congratulates Jeanette Martinez on Fort Worth Council District 11 Victory

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 11, 2023Contact: Dr. Allison Campolo, [email protected] Tarrant County, Texas – On June 11, 2023 Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair Dr. Allison Campolo released the following statement: “Congratulations to Democrat Jeanette Martinez on her big victory last night, becoming our first Latina City Council Member in the great city of Fort Worth. This hard fought campaign demonstrates what happens when Democrats run excellent campaigns and work together… Read More »Dr. Allison Campolo Congratulates Jeanette Martinez on Fort Worth Council District 11 Victory

Tarrant County Democratic Party Releases Statement on Accusations Repeated by County Judge

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Dr. Allison Campolo, [email protected] Tarrant County, Texas – Today, in response to a statement released by Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare on May 16, 2023, Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair Dr. Allison Campolo and past Chair Deborah Peoples released the following statement: The Tarrant County Democratic Party vehemently denies the accusation that a respected leader of our Party “orchestrated a sophisticated vote-harvesting operation” during a previous election… Read More »Tarrant County Democratic Party Releases Statement on Accusations Repeated by County Judge

Chair Dr. Allison Campolo Releases Statement on Resignation of
Tarrant County’s Elections Administrator Heider Garcia

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 17, 2023Contact: Dr. Allison Campolo, [email protected] Chair Dr. Allison Campolo Releases Statement on Resignation of Tarrant County’s Elections Administrator Heider Garcia Tarrant County, Texas – Today, Tarrant County Elections Administrator, Heider Garcia, announced his resignation, effective June 23, 2023.  Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair Dr. Allison Campolo released the following statement: “The Tarrant County Democratic Party is alarmed about the circumstances that led to the resignation… Read More »Chair Dr. Allison Campolo Releases Statement on Resignation of
Tarrant County’s Elections Administrator Heider Garcia

Tarrant County Democratic Party Decries GOP Election Denial Stunt

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 9, 2023 Contact: Dr. Allison Campolo, [email protected] 817-355-8683 Fort Worth, TX – Yesterday, Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare, Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells, and Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn announced an “election integrity task force.” This flashy bit of election security theater is a wasteful stunt by elected Republicans—all of whom claim their own elections were fair—intended to bolster support with their base, intimidate… Read More »Tarrant County Democratic Party Decries GOP Election Denial Stunt

SDEC 22 Committeewoman Special Election

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For Immediate Release  October 17, 2022 Contact: Dr. Allison Campolo, Chair 817.335.8683 (office) [email protected] FORT WORTH, TX-  Please see State Senate District 22 Committeeman Thom Hanson’s statement regarding the special election for the next State Senate District 22 Committeewoman:  “Update on SD22 SDEC Committeewoman Election: Tammie Hartgroves resignation was officially accepted at the SDEC on September 17, 2022.  An election for a new committeewoman will be held on December 3,… Read More »SDEC 22 Committeewoman Special Election

John Brender Nominated 485th District Court Candidate

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Contact: Dr. Allison Campolo, Chair [email protected] 817-355-8683 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 24, 2022 Tarrant County Court Opportunity Tarrant County Democratic Party announces 485th District Court Judicial Candidate John Brender Tuesday, August 23rd official members of the Tarrant County Democratic Party met and voted to nominate John Brender as our candidate for the 485th District Court. John is an accomplished attorney with a wide range of legal experience and knowledge, including… Read More »John Brender Nominated 485th District Court Candidate




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