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Dr. Allison Campolo Resigns as Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair 

Contact: Dr. Allison Campolo, [email protected] 

Tarrant County, Texas – Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair Dr. Allison Campolo released the following statement:

“Today, I am announcing that I will be resigning as Chair of the Tarrant County Democratic Party. My resignation will be submitted to the Tarrant County Democratic Party County Executive Committee during a Special Meeting which will occur within the next 30 days. The CEC will subsequently vote for the next Party Chair at this Special Meeting. TCDP Precinct Chairs are the members of the CEC and are the eligible voters for this election. 

It has been an honor and a privilege to oversee the stewardship of this great organization for the past two years. It has become clear to me that there are energetic visionaries ready to further increase the diversity and inclusion of our Party, and to lead this Party on its next steps. Because I highly value party unity to elect great Democrats, you can be assured I will support our next Party Chair and will serve in whatever capacity I am asked. 

I am incredibly proud of our accomplishments over the past two years, thanks to the hard work and dedication of Democrats in all capacities across Tarrant County. These accomplishments include: 

  • Expanded TCDP staff to maintain between 4 and 7 staff members throughout cycle in order to grow the party and serve Tarrant Dems
  • Ran the Coordinated Campaign, including block walks, phone banks, multiple candidate-focused events around the county, and providing coordinated literature
  • More than doubled the amount of money raised by the Party in the 2018 midterm cycle and matched what the Party raised in the 2020 Presidential cycle
  • TCDP Precinct Chairs and volunteers made more than 600,000 voter contact attempts in 2022 cycle (over 16 times the number of attempts made in 2018 cycle, and a 26 percent increase over 2020 cycle) 
  • Published weekly bulletin sent to all subscribed Dems, and weekly PC newsletter sent to precinct chairs and candidates 
  • Expanded office space and provided free resources for Tarrant Dems (including printing, help from full-time staff, and several meeting spaces available) 
  • Built a professional fundraising staff, committee, and donor database, which included daily year-round call time to potential donors 
  • Drafted and presented yearly budget, passed by the CEC
  • Added Vice Chair position to help grow the party and raise funds
  • Led TCDP involvement in the municipal elections to help grow the bench of progressives in Tarrant County
  • Offered trainings throughout the cycle for candidates, volunteers, and future Democratic staff
  • Expanded resources and training for Precinct Chairs, and PCs were able to lead many large mega walks and days of action throughout the county, in addition to weekly volunteer walks and phone banks
  • Increased number of Precinct Chairs by 15% in the last year thanks to implementing new recruitment strategies
  • Engaged in monthly Leadership Committee meetings to ensure alignment between the CEC and the Chair and staff
  • Improved transparency and communication with Committee Chairs and super volunteers by instituting chat groups and email lists 
  • Held multiple debriefs after the March and November 2022 elections, including meeting with candidates, election workers, and precinct chairs, and reviewed the findings at the subsequent town halls and CEC meetings
  • Created a TCDP internship program to bolster Democratic career paths for young Texans
  • Chair, staff, and leadership regularly spoke at local Democratic clubs, allied organizations, and college campuses to share party updates and recruit volunteers
  • Implemented new and regular collaborations with Elected Officials 
  • Instituted the RideShare2Vote program at the County Party level


Every Chair of TCDP has been able to build on the previous Chair’s accomplishments and I have no doubt that will be the case again as we head into this critical Presidential and Senatorial election in Texas. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the staff, Precinct Chairs, volunteers, Elected Officials, candidates, and donors who make this county great, and who have supported me in this mission. Let’s keep moving towards a bluer Tarrant.

If you have any questions about this announcement or the upcoming next steps, please email me at [email protected].”


Special CEC Meeting Information

The Tarrant County Democratic Party will be holding a Special Meeting of the County Executive Committee to accept the resignation of Chair Dr. Allison Campolo and elect a new Chair. The Special Meeting of the TCDP CEC will be held on Saturday, July 8th at 2PM via Zoom.

The Precinct Chairs at the time of the meeting are the voting body for this election.

Those interested in running for Chair should fill out the application here. The deadline to apply is Friday, July 7th, at 5pm. Nominations for Chair can be made from the floor during the meeting, but it is highly suggested and encouraged that Chair applicants apply using this form so that the meeting organizers can prepare for the meeting appropriately.

If you have questions about this process or would like to attend the Special Meeting, please email [email protected]

Current Applications for County Chair:

  • Crystal Gayden
  • Christopher Rector
  • Sylvia Rodriguez




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