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GOTV TEXT Program (Tarrant)

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Thank you for signing up to deliver Text Messages to our voters here in Tarrant County as we get ready to GOTV. This texting program is designed to target a specific set of voters that received one of two mailers that were mailed out in collaboration with the Texas Democratic Party to low propensity to vote Democratic voters. You can check out the mailer sent to them here:  (Design Here) that should be arriving in their mail boxes. 

Major Dates and Deadlines:

October 13Target date for Social Pressure piece to hit mailboxes.
October 18Completion Date for Sending Texts (102K Texts)
October 19Target date for Voter Education piece to hit mailboxes.
October 26Completion Date for Sending 100K Texts)

Texting Platforn:

We are using BlueLink Messaging for our texts. You should have received an invite by me from [email protected]. This is the account that our county party is using to send the text messages. Once you set up an account you will get added to the team that will be sending out these text messages. This is a one time GOTV effort. 

Have Questions:

You can contact me, Heather Buen, Communications Chair from 11:00AM-8:00PM CT Monday-Saturday to answer any questions you may have. My cell is: 214-215-0863 or you can also email [email protected]. I will also add the team to a WhatsApp Group Chat for easy communication. Download the WhatsApp app at

Volunteer Standards: (Taken from Beto’s Powered by the People Text Training)

Be polite and keep it appropriate, always. 

Keep in mind that all messages we send out are a representation of the Tarrant County Democratic Party. Anyone could screenshot our conversations and send them to a reporter out of context. We should never be rude to Trump supporters and we should never engage in bashing Trump, or anyone else that we disagree with politically.  Please keep your responses kind and professional. Texting is different from knocking on doors or making calls: tone is hard to read.  A little attitude can feel amplified and exaggerated when sent via text. This is not the place for sarcasm. 

Stick to the script.

We want real interactions and one-on-one conversations with voters. We are also gathering information with each texting assignment. Before responding to your texts, please review the survey questions and responses so you know what we’re looking for. Then send the appropriate responses. You can edit the replies to fit the conversation (i.e.: someone says they are sick and you want to wish them well, etc) but you should seek advice in the #pxp-texting channel if you find you’re getting into policy or answering questions that don’t have a recommended reply. 

Never argue.

We don’t want to text anything that could be taken the wrong way.  If you sense that a conversation is getting heated or taking on a negative tone, please de-escalate the conversation by turning it back to the question at hand — if they will be voting for Democrats  in the upcoming November election. If you already have the answer to this question or sense that you won’t be able to get the answer to this question without engaging in an argument, it’s time to let the person know we appreciate their input, thank them for their time, and end the conversation. Never tell people they are wrong, “stupid,” or express any judgment of their opinion. We are kind, courteous, and respectful, always. 

Don’t speak for a candidate.

We do not speak on any candidate’s behalf, or on the behalf of any campaign(s) we are texting for or about. If a voter asks what a candidate thinks about a particular issue, please check with me, Heather Buen, before answering.

Maintain confidentiality. 

As a volunteer with the Texting Team, you will have access to private voter information (names, phone numbers). Please do not screenshot or share conversations with friends outside the team or leave texts open on your devices in public. These are peer-to-peer texting conversations and the person on the other end of the conversation doesn’t expect those to be made public.

How It Works

  1. You’ll sign up for a shift here. You should receive an invite for a user account to BlueLink messaging. If not please let me know – 214-215-0863 or [email protected]
  1. Once your account has been set up, you will be assigned to a team in BlueLink with daily assignments for the team. Depending upon how fast volunteers get through all the texts you may have a little or a lot to text. You will either send texts or reply to texts with canned responses. 
  1. You’ll press send or Enter for each of your initial texts. 
  1. Using the Survey Responses and Canned Responses, you’ll interact with voters, tagging them as necessary to record their data.
  1. You’ll check for new replies in your batches for 4 days after you initially send them.

Getting Started

Getting Started for Texters – there is no mobile app device, Blue link is browser based and if you have a Google Account it is easier to log in. If you have issues logging into the system, please let me know. 

Our Texting Team uses BlueLink to send texts. You can use Spoke on any computer, tablet, or smartphone as long as you use your device’ browser. 

We also use WhatsApp, our communication platform. As a member of the Texting Team, you are required to use this messaging app because it is the easiest place to get a hold of me and it is much quicker than other platforms. We can answer your questions in real time in our WhatsApp group chat and can get you more texts. Join WhatsAppp Here! Then add me, Heather Buen, 214-215-0863 to your contact list. 

Main Script

Hi _____________,its  _____________________ with the Tarrant County Democratic Party. Early voting has started. Have you made your plan to vote?


1 – REQUIRED Question – (Survey Question in our VAN Database) – XCmty Vote Plan 20

Can we count on you to vote in the general election? Where and when are you going to go vote? (Select the appropriate answer) – answer this question as it matches the receiver’s response.

If they say Yes – select EV – Vote Plan made

If they say No – select EV-No Vote Plan

optional Question – (Survey Question in our VAN Database) – XCmty Dem Slate – Can we count on you to be a voter for Democrats up and down the ballot? –Podemos contar contigo para votar por todos los demócratas en la boleta?–(Select the appropriate answer ONLY if the receive voluntarily tells us) – answer this question as it matches the receiver’s response.

2 – Canned Responses

Yes – I plan to Vote – (Auto response – Awesome! You can go to to check your registration, and get all the info you need about voting. )

Yes – I have already voted (Auto response – Awesome! Thank you for voting)

No or not voting (Auto response – Your community is counting on you to vote. Please go to and make a plan to vote. Thank you!)

No – will vote by mail (Auto Response – Please ensure you return your ballot ASAP. Track your ballot at

Each response has an automatic subsequent response.

If you get someone that asks to not be texted or is hostile please mark them as such in contact results and select the Opt Out Button

Voter Says:Response:
“I’m for Biden!”
“I’ll be voting for Dems.”
YES ResponseEV Plan madeYes Plan to Vote
“This isn’t _____ but I’m voting for Biden.”Click the Wrong # tag, Save, Click YES, then choose the Yes I Plan to Vote in Canned Responses and click send.
“I love President Trump!”
Voting for Trump response
“This isn’t ____ but I vote Republican always.”Click the Wrong # tag, Save, Click Voting for Trump response
“I’m voting for Jo Jorgenson”
“Neither of them – I’m voting third party.”
Voting for Trump response
“I haven’t decided yet!”Yes I Plan to Vote Response

When to Use Tags

TagWhen to useResponse to select
Already VotedIf the voter has already votedYes I Plan to Vote Response
DeceasedThe voter has passed awayIf the voter has passed away
Not TexasIf the voter lets you know they have moved out of Texas and are not an absentee voter.Depends upon response:
– For unclear voting status, send Moved, no clear ID
RefusedThe voter refuses to share for whom they’ll vote. The voter says they will not vote.  The voter says “no one.”If the voter isn’t going to share their choice
SpanishIf the voter responds in Spanish.If the voter speaks Spanish
Wrong NumberThe voter lets you know you’ve reached a wrong number.  -For Trump supporter, choose ‘Trump’ response- For Biden supporter, send Wrong Number, Biden response
-If support is unclear, send Haven’t given a clear answer
-If undecided, choose ‘Undecided’ response

Opt Out

  • Many recipients will ask to be opted out by saying STOP, unsubscribe, take me off your list, do not contact me again, etc. In those cases, opt out as requested. 
  • Other examples of responses requiring opt out:
“You’re blocked”“Reporting this number as spam!”“Get lost”“F*** off.”
“This text is illegal.”“I don’t want any texts like these.”
  • Do not opt unless they have explicitly asked to be opted out or if they are extremely abusive, profane or sexually or racially offensive. 
  • If the voter gives you applicable information, mark or tag that first before opting out.  
  • If a voter makes a threat, please use the Escalate tag. 

 Please note: this cannot be undone. Only opt out voters if they qualify based on the above. 

To opt a voter out, after tagging them or populating the appropriate Survey Response, click the Opt Out button. 


What if I’m asked a question not answered by a Canned Response?

Contact me on the WhatsApp group text to help with any questions you get that aren’t covered by the Canned Responses. 

What if I can’t finish sending my texts or my replies?

You should try to only take as many texts as you can reply to. If something comes up, that’s ok. Your texts and replies go back into the pool. 

What time can I send texts?

We send texts Monday through Sunday,  between 9:00AM CT – 8:00PM CT. Your batches will be open seven days a week from 9:00AM CT – 8:00PM CT and you can reply on Sundays. Sometimes there may not be texts left if they have all been sent. 



