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Updates from TCDP regarding Covid-19

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Update as of 3/26 – There is currently a Stay at Home Order in Tarrant County

As of (March 24) Tarrant County’s Stay at Home Order goes into effect. All persons currently residing in Tarrant County MUST stay at their place of residence.

All persons may leave their residences only for Essential Travel and Essential Activities, to work in Essential Businesses, Government Service, or Essential Critical Infrastructure, or to perform Minimum Basic Operations. The link below provides more details on what is considered an essential business or essential travel.

If using shared or outside spaces, individuals must maintain social distancing of six feet. All public or private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household are prohibited, Nothing in this Executive Order prohibits the gathering of members of a household or living unit.

This declaration is enforceable through fines of up to $1000 and possible jail time of up to 180 days, officials said. Get more details here:

Get more information at

Tarrant County Joint SD Convention & COVID-19 Updates – 3/15

In an abundance of caution, Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair, Deborah Peoples and the Senate District Executive Chairs in Tarrant for Senate Districts 9, 10, 12 and 22 have voted to limit the Tarrant County Joint Senate District Convention to minimally required business. The County Convention will not include any caucuses, vending, sponsors, speeches, or presentations. The convention has been moved from the UNT Health Science Center to the TCDP Office at 3130 Plumwood St, Fort Worth TX 76111. Though state law requires that a “convention” be held on Saturday, March 21, and that it be open to the public, it is the County Chair’s and the SD Convention Chairs’ intent to conduct the meeting pro forma. 

Each of the Senate District Chairs and their respective Nominations Committees may create a delegate list to the State Convention from those who pre-registered online, those who register in person, and adding additional names for thirty days following the convention. In-person attendance is NOT REQUIRED to be selected as a state delegate. In light of the emergency declaration, we encourage you to register online. Delegate apportionment for each Senate District, voting precinct and presidential candidate is based on the rules set forth by the Texas Democratic Party (TDP).

Resolutions may be submitted online. At the County Convention, all resolutions may be forwarded to the State Convention for the Texas Democratic Party Temporary Resolutions Committee to give them due consideration.
We are still making final plans and arrangements but our hope is that the greater Democratic community will join us in promoting public health by not attending the convention in-person and instead, pre-registering as a delegate online and submitting resolutions through the online system. Official convention business will be livestreamed on the Tarrant County Democratic Party Facebook Page

On March 13, Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley signed a declaration of local disaster due to a public health emergency. Here is a link to the Tarrant County Public Information page regarding Covid-19. This page provides Tarrant County Public Health recommendations and Coronavirus information. There is also a Coronavirus Information Hotline setup that you can call during business hours at: 817-248-6299.
For information about your city’s response to the coronavirus, please visit your city or municipality’s website. For information on school closings, please visit your ISD’s website. 


In light of recent developments relating to the potential spread of COVID-19, the Texas Democratic Party is releasing guidance with clear and thoughtful suggestions on how local convention organizers can push forward party business in light of the hold party actions in the take action to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.

Coronavirus Disease 2019

3/12 Deborah Peoples, Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair, has issued an update regarding Democratic Party business, events and activities in the wake of the first presumptive positive case of Covid-19 or Coronavirus in Tarrant County.

After guidance from the Tarrant County Public Health Department and the Texas Democratic Party, we urge Tarrant County residents to exercise caution and good judgment in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak. The safety of our members, volunteers, candidates and constituents is of utmost importance and with Tarrant County’s first presumptive positive case of Coronavirus we don’t have any immediate pending business that needs to be addressed.

The Tarrant County Democratic Party office at 3130 Plumwood St, will be closed to non-essential business until further notice. Calls will be forwarded to our staff and the staff will be working remotely. Volunteers with scheduled shifts should contact Karen Thompson at [email protected] for duties and responsibilities that can be done remotely. If you need to get in touch with TCDP staff please call 817-335-8683 or email [email protected]. All scheduled meetings at the TCDP Office should be done remotely.

Joint Countywide Convention Update: We are in the process of evaluating our Joint County and Senatorial District Convention scheduled for March 21, 2020. We are required by Texas Election Code to have a convention on March 21. We want to make sure everyone is safe and that necessary business is conducted with the best, most responsible plan. We will make a decision over the weekend and at the latest by Monday, March 16th on our plans. Thank you for your patience and please stay tuned.

Please continue to follow the guidance of the Tarrant County Public Health Department and the CDC, by taking the following precautions:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.




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