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Take Back Texas Rally


The Tarrant County Democratic Party stands in opposition to the recent onslaught of abhorrent Republican attacks on Texans.

School board meetings are full of parents and doctors pleading for districts to disobey Abbott’s overreaching removal of local control. Our local pediatric hospital has 35 children in the ICU, and 7 children have already died. 

Law enforcement and a majority of Republicans oppose permitless carry, but effective two days ago, if you legally have a gun, you can legally carry it anywhere without special training or a license. 

In regards to what is effectively a 6-week, no exceptions abortion ban, the Texas Medical Association, the largest state medical society, in a statement today said they are “shocked the U.S. Supreme Court so far has not stopped the provisions of SB 8 that create a scheme of deputizing private citizens to carry out what the state itself cannot do [legally].”

The GOP lawmakers in Texas are turning Texans against each other. Polarization is taking place all over the country, but in Texas, we have a steep divide between those in power and real Texans. 

Only 52% of the voting age population cast a ballot in 2020. Republicans were not elected by Texans but by the very suppression tactics they’ve been implementing for decades. Republicans feel their grip on power loosening and that is why they passed one of the most radical, malicious voting laws in the country.

We believe Texas is a majority Democratic state, and we intend to Take Back Texas. Join us at 6pm on Saturday, September 4th, at Burnett Park, 501 W 7th St, Fort Worth, TX 76102, for a rally where we can express our anger and unite in a desire for real change. 

Texans deserve better.


For comments or questions, please reach out to our County Chair, [email protected].






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