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Precinct Chair (PC) Application

Request for Mid-Term Appointment for 2024-2026

If you have not yet reached out to your House District Coordinator (HDC), we recommend making that connection to speed along your application process.
Find the HDC’s contact info here

If you need assistance completing this form please contact [email protected].

Find your precinct:

Public Office Notice: The precinct chair position is an elected party office, and your phone number and email address will be public on the local Party and the Texas Secretary of State websites.

I, the applicant, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application.

Oath of Affiliation: Every person who accepts a Party office at any level (including precinct chair, convention delegate, and alternate delegates) agrees to support all of the Party nominees (in the primary and the general election) or they shall be removed. Your typed signature below is your legal signature for this purpose.
Upon clicking "submit" below, this form will be emailed to the Tarrant County Democratic Party. The form must be returned to TCDP by 9:00am the regular business day before the next following County Executive Committee (CEC) meeting in order to be placed on the agenda. Once approved, you will soon receive information on duties, expectations, upcoming trainings and tips on being an effective precinct chair. You will also receive important login information to access VAN - the Voter Activation Network.




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