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Candidate Resources

Tips on Running for Office

  • Check out the Texas Democratic Party’s Project Lift Training.
  • All of the filing deadlines and important dates are on this website: Texas Secretary of State Elections Information –
  • The Texas State Ethics Commission is where you’ll find all the details regarding getting a treasurer filed and all campaign finance rules, forms and dates.
  • Get to know the TCDP Clubs/Orgs. 
  • The Texas Democratic Party ( has tons of resources for candidates from VAN (Voter Activation Network Database), Training and Mobilize America.
  • For Mobilize America, to set up your FREE candidate account, please visit this link:
  • For miscellaneous questions, check out the Federal Election Commission’s Website

Organizations That Offer Candidate Training

Past Tarrant Candidates’ Resource Guide

  • Check out this page managed by past candidates who want to help!

Reach out to Aftab–he and his committee are here to help!


Aftab Sidiqqui

Candidate Recruitment Chair

Candidate Recruitment Committee

[email protected]
(817) 706-7495




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