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Election Judges

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In his fifteen minute inaugural address on January 20, 1961 our 35th President challenged every American to contribute in some way to the public good. His challenge is just as important to us today as it was then.

If you are not currently an Election Judge, I offer a similar challenge to you. Do you know what the cities of Arlington, Azle, Bedford, Benbrook, Burleson, Colleyville, Euless,
Fort Worth, Grapevine, Haltom City, Haslet, North Richland Hills, Richland Hill, Southlake and White Settlement have in common? They ALL need Election Judges and Election Clerks.  

Election Judges are responsible for assembling their team of workers supervising the Election. They serve from 6:00 am to 8:30 pm on Election Day. Clerks assist the Voter as they sign in and cast their vote and can serve all or part of the Election Day.

Tarrant County Elections needs registered voters like you to serve as Election Judges at Primary and General Elections.

In addition to being compensated monetarily for your time, you will have the opportunity to give back to OUR community. There is no feeling on earth better than knowing that you took the time to pay it forward. To have a Democrat present at each election polling center will ensure that each citizen presenting themselves at the poll to vote is treated fairly without fear of being intimidated.

If you haven’t already agreed to serve as an Election Judge, please consider adding the first Tuesdays in March and November and the first Saturday in May to your calendar as “My day to serve OUR Community.”

Please click the button below and fill out the Election Worker Request form. After receiving your form, I will contact you with additional information.

Thank you in advance for your service,

Vera Roberts
Election Judge Liaison
Tarrant County Democratic Party
Election Judge Recruitment and Support Committee

[email protected]

Election Judges are part of the staff working Election Day Polls at all polling locations. Working on Election Day is long and often intense, but very rewarding. Election Day Poll Workers must be:

  • Registered to vote in Tarrant County
  • Able to attend a required training prior to Election Day
  • Available to work from 6AM – 8:30PM (or until the polls close) on Election Day
  • Bilingual in Spanish or Vietnamese is a plus

Compensation for Judges is currently $15 per hour. Election Judges are appointed by the Parties and hired, trained and paid by Tarrant County Elections, with an additional orientation by TCDP a month prior to each election.

Election Judges will be responsible for picking up election equipment for the assigned precinct, locating Clerks to work at the polls and making sure the election is fair and problem-free.

Clerks, another type of poll worker, assist the voter as they sign in and cast their vote, and work from 6am-7:30pm or can work partial hours at the discretion of the presiding judge.  Clerks will receive compensation of $13 per hour.

Election Day is the first Tuesday in March and November, and the first Saturday in May. There is always the possibility of a Runoff election in June and/or Special Elections in September.

Working Early Voting is a possibility, as available. Call Tarrant County Elections’ Early Voting Department [(817) 831-6161] to be added to the potential workers list at least 2 months prior to the election.

Click here to serve as an Election Judge or Clerk. If you need more information, contact Vera Roberts, Election Judge Liaison, at [email protected].

Prior to Election Day
  • Be accessible via phone or email to TCE and TCDP personnel
  • Locate/Contact workers to serve as an Alternate Judge or Clerks for your Polling Center (one has to be Spanish Bi-Lingual and one has to be Vietnamese Bi-Lingual)
    • [TCE is always available to help locate Bi-Lingual workers for new judges]
  • Return paperwork concerning your availability and workers availability within a week after receiving it from TCE
    • Contact TCE or TCDP immediately if your availability changes
  • Purchase a signature stamp if you are a new Judge
  • Contact the Polling Center personnel to review the facility and set up an open/close time
  • Study Tarrant County Election Handbook and Poll Worker Training Videos
    • Ensure Workers study the Training Videos
  • Contact workers to confirm they are still available prior to Election Day
    • Contact TCE or TCDP immediately if their availability changes
    • Meet “new” workers a few days before to determine their experience
  • Pick up the Judge’s Supply Bag from TCE the Saturday or Monday before Election Day
    • Review the contents to confirm everything on the Supply Checklist is inside
    • Call TCE so that anything missing can be brought to your Polling Center as early as possible on Election Day
Day of Election
  • Arrive at the Polling Center one hour before (6:00 am) polls open
  • Keep the Tarrant County Election Handbook handy and be accessible via phone to TCE and TCDP personnel
  • Ensure that all workers are in attendance, know their specific tasks and fulfill their responsibilities
    • Call any worker that has not arrived to ascertain their intent to serve
    • Call TCE or TCDP if a worker cancels so a replacement (if available) can be sent to the Polling Center
    • Prior to starting the day all workers need to take the oath
    • Give workers compensation sheet and their duties
  • Ensure the Equipment Carrier has not been tampered with
    • If any equipment is missing from the carrier call TCE immediately
  • Maintain the integrity of voting equipment
    • Call TCE or TCDP if a problem arises that can’t be corrected immediately
  • Ensure number count on equipment is zero at the beginning of the day
  • Stamp at least 20 ballots prior to 7:00 am and as needed throughout the day
  • Ensure the election equipment is ready at 7:00 am
  • Ensure that every registered voter is given the opportunity to vote (even if they have to vote a Provisional ballot)
  • Ensure that no one is allowed to disturb Voters or Workers (either by coercion or intimidation)
    • Contact TCE, TCDP or Police as warranted
  • Ensure that the last person to arrive before 7:00 pm is allowed to vote
  • Follow instructions on the Close Polls Sheet to ensure final counts and paperwork is completed and equipment is secured in Equipment Carrier
    • Input final counts on paperwork
    • Complete all Workers Compensation Sheets
    • Ensure Clerks put equipment and all signage in the Equipment Carrier
    • Ensure facility is clear of all items
  • Return paperwork and essential equipment listed on the Close Polls Sheet to the Rally Station

685 John B. Sias Memorial Pkwy
Suite 400
Fort Worth, TX 76134


Monday – Thursday:
     10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

     10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Saturday – Sunday:

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Report voting obstacles or irregularities to the Voter Protection Hotline at 844-TX-VOTES.

Paid for by Tarrant County Democratic Party, Crystal Gayden, Chair, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.




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