A message from your Tarrant County Democratic Party Chair, Deborah Peoples regarding Black Lives Matter! – “We at TCDP stand in solidarity with marginalized communities and demand criminal justice reform and changes to systems that condone and promote systemic racism.”

We are angry. We are hurt. We are a community in pain.
Tarrant County has suffered the brunt of recent incidents that highlight the injustices that our black and brown residents suffer on a daily basis based upon the color of their skin. The death of George Floyd captured on video is just one of many black lives taken by law enforcement officers that stain the honor of the badge itself with biases, micro-agressions and racism that has no place in our society. We offer our voice, our condolences and our outrage to the many families and communities in mourning. We don’t just ask for justice, but we want the names of innocent Black Americans that were gunned down by police to get justice. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Atatiana Jefferson, Eric Garner, Michael Brown and an alarmingly long list of Black Americans have DIED at the hands of the police playing judge and jury. We want all Americans that have suffered gross indignities such as Ahmaud Arbery and Trayvon Martin — to be given the protection, respect, and dignity they deserve. All lives will only begin to matter when BLACK LIVES MATTER!
We ask that our party, our elected officials, our leadership, our brothers and sisters, and all Tarrant County residents and across Texas and this country – challenge all Democrats and mankind to live every day with actions that exemplify fairness, equality, justice and dignity.
We must make transformative changes in our criminal justice and legal system and come up with creative approaches in justice reform and genuine understanding on their impact to Black lives.
How can I help?
Stand up and be an ally for every black and brown person. Listen to their stories, stand between them and the police at marches, demand change, unearth your internalized Anti-Blackness, challenge model minority myths, educate your family and friends on the injustices that Black people face globally, donate to local organizations that serve Black communities, and shop at Black owned businesses.
You can also check out these resources and organizations that we have curated in support of Black Lives Matter and Criminal Justice Reform on a local, state and national level.
Texas Democratic Party Organizations
Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Help facilitate African American participation in the Democratic Party and to help network and recruit African American members to the coalition. Read their statement of support for Black Lives Matter.
Tarrant County Black Democrats – Tarrant County was the birthplace of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, this is the Tarrant County Chapter. The Tarrant County Black Democrats have released a prepared statement they have emailed last week to all 41 Mayors and their City Administrators in Tarrant County. The Board Members have been meeting with various cities throughout Tarrant County regarding ongoing law enforcement interactions and engagement with Black Americans. You can read their complete statement below. They are suggesting 4 comprehensive actions that they would like to see Tarrant County cities and local law enforcement agencies take a look at.
Tarrant County Democratic Party BLM Resource Bank
A few other things that communities can do is to ensure that our Black communities are counted in the US Census. Billions of dollars of federal funds get designated to communities around the country. These funds support schools, education, senior care facilities and so much more. Get counted in the census today by visiting My2020Census.gov. We also encourage all Americans to exercise their right to vote. We get the leadership we deserve when we vote. Whether it is the schoolhouse, the courthouse, the state house, Congress or the White House – VOTE!
Now is the time that we need to stop with the empty words and promises. Now is the time for action!